
Ramadhan Diary 2011 part 2

assalamualaikum and hi!

Well, we almost get into 2nd phase of ramadhan. Time pass by so fast, right?. hohoh. Last part i've told you on beautiful scenery of ramadhan night. So picturesque! Today, i would like to tell you my experiences of sahur in egypt. Sahur is better do it late before dawn. Peoples wake up early and eat something for their energy during day. However, as ramadhan fell during summer this year, days are more longer than nights. So, im fasting in longer period than in malaysia.

Here is table of sholah for Ramadhan.

why it's not clear? ok, i need to finish my sahur before 3.40am today.
and every others day is about the same.
just may be later of before.

I sleep early every night. But before that, i recite dua' as well as dua' for beginning fast. In the middle of my sleep, i've been waken up by the sound of drums beating to a simple rhythm and sounds of calling peoples as early as 1 am. They are called 'mesaharaty'. This is traditionally done by egyptian and some other countries such as turky. I think some asia country like indonesia have it too, right? But not in mine. The 'mesaharaty' walks through the neighbourhood shortly before dawn calling people's name to wake up but surely they don't call my name. I even dont tell my true name to egyptian. All Malaysian girl are called Nur.. hohoh..

They are called Ramadhan drums which are used by 'mesaharaty' to wake up peoples.

Somes of mesaharaty beating ramadhan drum in the street

a young boy happily beating a small ramadhan drum by his cute hand.

By the way, i wake up that time and continue back to sleep. lols.. After a nap, i wake up again and seriously take my sahur at 2.45am. So cruel, right? but that sunnah to take it late. Together with my friends, I eat rice with simple dishes(lauk-pauk) I made before, drinks water, recite dua for fasting again and finish it before the times up. As usual. Then, my fasting day begin. That's all.

So, if anybody want to try to have been waken up by mesaharaty, you are welcome here! hohoh..


See breaking fast for next Ramadhan diary part 3...


Unknown said...

cutenya budak tu

hAniEy IzhAr said...

yup, cumel budak tu.. hihi..kecik2 dah main gendang... =)

Sephyraz said...

wah...bgnkn org sahur gune gendang? best gak kalo buat kt msia ni..hehe..

hAniEy IzhAr said...

yup.. mmg best, tapi jgn awal sgt.. huhu..