
My Tips to Rear Cute Rabbit.

Assalamualaikum and hi!!

Do you love rabbit? I have rear rabbits before. And they are so cute and have cotton-feel-fur. My rabbit were 1st angora species. From my observation they were French angora species type with heavy fur.

just exactly like this.. source:wiki

however my rabbits got mixed with other make the fur not too hairy like above. below is mine..

i think this the best picture i had because i have delete most. =(

Awesome, right? Actually it's easy to rear them. According to my experiences, i will give you some beneficial tip on rearing the cutey rabbits.

1. Choose healthy rabbit to rear. Prepare their need such as food plate, water container and so on.

2. Make sure their cage is clean. Clean their cage at least twice a week huge size cage and 3 time per week for small cage.

3. Feed and give water to them at least twice daily. Rabbit pallets make them more thirst, so up to date with the volume of water you give. You can feed them with carrot, corn and green vegetable like spinach, 'pucuk misa kucing'(this herb plant also can be given to them), 'kangkung' and others.

4. The pregnancy period for rabbit is about 1month. You must prepare a breeding box for her or put a fabric/cloth at one side of the cage. You will notice the mom will pull and keep her fur in the breeding box or on the fabric. This tell that rabbit's mom will take about days to labour her baby.

source: fohn.net

5. Do not touch the babies till they can feed by themselves. This is very important. Most of babies die because mom doesnt sense/smell the babies anymore (because we touch them-smell of our hand). Mom will ignore to give the baby milk as she think the babies are not hers.

6. You can play with them too!! Make some toys for them such as cardboard box or empty paper towel roll. Toys will help keep your rabbit physically active and prevent boredom. If they like to chew the box change to other material of toy such as rubber/plastic. Make sure they aren't ingested much of foreign material.

7. Rabbit find bathing stressful. You just have to clean some dirty spot on them and grooming them. Nice, right?

Ok, that's all. So lovely. Do enjoy them!

p/s: hi! Im English Angora. I have ruby eye. I look like a ball.
source: wiki

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